DVNs & Operators Onboarding


The purpose of this document is to delineate how DVNs and Operators interact with Kernel Protocol.

It illustrates the fundamental steps to take and the tools a DVN must develop in order to take advantage of Operators’ networks made available by Kernel.

1. Kernel’s Architecture Overview

1) Restaking

Kernel's restaking mechanism allows BNB, BTC holders to repurpose their staked assets or LSTs, providing enhanced security for a new breed of services known as Dynamic Validation Networks (DVNs).

2) Operators

These are the backbone of the Kernel network, running specialized software for DVNs. Operators register with Kernel, opening the door for stakers to delegate to them, and then choose which DVNs to support.

3) Delegation

This process enables stakers to align their assets with operators of their choice, or to become operators themselves. It's a two-way street, requiring mutual agreement and giving restakers full control over their participation in various DVNs

4) Dynamic Validation Networks (DVNs)

DVNs are services built on the Kernel protocol that leverage BNB’s shared security.

Operators execute tasks for DVNs, contributing to the security and integrity of the network, while DVNs deliver services to users (DVN Consumers) and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

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